Raise Conversion Rates by making your customers feel secure - healthy marketing

Guarantee More Sales by Making Your Customer Feel Secure

One of the keys to raising your conversion rates lies in making your customers feel secure by displaying security images and jargon.

If you're trying to spread healthy ideas, products, and/or services, you will need to make sure that your customer feels good about checking out on your website. If you fail to do that, they may discredit your product.

You've been told not to confuse people with your copy and KISS (keep it simple, silly), and that's totally true for copy, but when you're talking about your customer's credit card security it can be good to get into the details and show off a bit.

Today, 94% of Americans are worried “bad things” can happen when using the internet. A study conducted by Harris Interactive found that people are very concerned about the safety features of websites they visit. On the list of fears are fear of getting a computer virus, losing money, or risking fraud, etc.

Since there are probably alternatives to your business, a reader can quickly leave your site in search of something more credible.

Trust is the name of the game.

Ujwala Dange from Priyadarshini Engineering College and Vinay Kimar from S. B. Patil Institute of Management described a system we follow when making online purchases.

Within this paper, Ujwala explains how we look for security indicators before we make a purchase.

In light of this research and my experience in raising conversion rates, I suggest displaying the following things on the checkout page

  1. security jargon about your ssl certificate (128-bit yadda yadda)
  2. a certificate or badge on all of your checkout process pages
  3. a lock symbol (it infers security– duh)
  4. familiar credit card icons

Here are some examples of security text that you can use.

  1. We use a 128-bit encrypted SSL certificate to keep your transaction safe & secure.
  2. Our Checkout is Secure: We use a 128-bit encrypted SSL certificate to keep your transaction safe.

Here are some SSL certificates & badges.

Download a free lock icon I made for you here.

Download common credit card icons here.

I don't suggest you using these techniques if your site isn't secure. In fact, if you're providing eCommerce checkouts on your unsecured page (http not https) and taking credit card information, please navigate away from this page and buy yourself an ssl for checkout security.

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Get the Customer Confidence Cocktail pdf here. It's a list of the most effective and actionable ways to raise a customer's trust in your company, which raises your conversion rates.