Being Unique and Standing out - Common Copy Mistakes with Conscious and Clear Wellness Marketing

How You’re Describing Your Products Wrong (It’s OK to be Yourself)

There's a good chance that the way you describe your product is putting you at a disadvantage.

Standing out isn't easy. Blending in is.

There are plenty of sure-fire ways to make your product or service blend in and seem utterly unoriginal and un-special. Want to know what to avoid? Keep reading.

We see and hear a lot of the same talk, imagery, and design in a lot of places. It makes us think that things ought to look a certain way if they want to be recognized as what they are going for. It also makes us think that there are standards and guidelines to stay within when in reality, you can do whatever you want. When you get deep into a niche, like healthy eating, you tend to hear the same phrases over and over. You'll hear how "cleansing" and "vibrant" these snacks are again and again until you forget what these phrases mean.

The subtle act of slowly stripping words of their meaning.

I remember doing this late at night as a kid for fun. Try saying fork 30 times and eventually it will sound like a bunch of letters next to each other instead of that handy tool you use for eating. That's an extreme example of exhausting a words meaning with overuse. The same thing happens to words that people use while marketing their products, but it's more slow and subtle.

If on every juice cleanse you hear that it will give you a "fresh new feeling," soon enough you'll expect it and gloss over it. You know what you won't gloss over? Somebody saying how it will clean your bowels out so well that you won't need a bathroom for two days after. A little gross, I know, but it stands out. How about if a juice cleanse says that it will make your hair grow faster, and make your nails get stronger in three days? It's particular and unforgettable. Maybe you don't want to be know as the colon cleaning cleanse, or biotin's brother, but being poignant counts.

happy cat with glasses

X attracts X, and nothingness attracts nothingness.

You do the same thing when you're marketing yourself as anything else- a holistic healer, an acupuncturist, whatever. My dad is a carpenter, and at a young age I noticed that he had an extremely easy time getting work, and it was from the same types of people. On his truck, his business card, and his voice, is a massive shamrock. He has a brogue and a sharp tongue, and people know exactly what he is about- working hard, cracking jokes, and talking about Irish-type-stuff over a few drinks. He may be a tad brash sometimes, but it just makes him liked more by the tough-skinned Irish-friendly folks. Also, the way he is weeds out the customers that would be wrong for him. He wouldn't be happy or do his best work around someone that he has to hold back in front of. I actually don't think that he has ever held back anything. He is hilarious, and a little bit crazy in a wonderful, wonderful way.

Be remembered by boasting about the details.

aka: it's okay to be yourself.

The point is that my dad is remembered for being something specific. He certainly isn't forgotten in an endless sea of copycats. That's exactly what you don't want. You don't want to blend in too much. You won't want to be one of a million options. I'm not saying that you should look and sound like an an obnoxious asshole, but you shouldn't calm your voice down so much as to not get noticed for the special person you are, or special product you have. If your juice is extremely sweet, just say it. People who want sweet will say "that's the juice for me."

If drinking your smoothie will keep you full for five hours, get into the heavier details. It also lets people know what not to get. If you trick someone into trying your super sweet juice without warning them, they are likely to just say that your juice sucks. If it's right on the bottle saying how intensely sweet it is, the person will notice it and keep in mind that it's not for them. You don't have to create a negative-reviewer by being vague. What they will also do, is suggest your juice to the next person who talks about how they like their juice sweet.

Just like my Dad and his brogue, flaunt what you have a little bit, and be honest and clear. You've got something amazing and special, and it's time you let it show. Don't hide yourself behind the bland phrases that everybody else has decided to recycle again and again. Be unique, and you'll get a particular group of people who rave about your special type of uniqueness.

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